Thursday, August 6, 2009

School Planning Crunch Time

Son #2 is at camp this week, and son #1 goes next week, then it's time to hit the ground running. Son #1's soccer practice actually starts the week he'll be gone, so camp will, quite literally, be the end of his leisurely summer, which means it will also be the end of mine. With 7 kids 'under foot', there is precious little leisure time around here, but things will really pick up once my 3 months of running starts the same week we return to our semi-formal schooling.

My immediate goal is to use these camp weeks to plan out the first several weeks of lesson plans for our 10th, 5th, 3rd, and 1st, graders, as well as something for our K4 and preschooler. We'll be using My Father's World for the 10th grader- this is the kind of curriculum that I really could put together, if I had the time, but this year I was just so excited, even relieved, to find something that fit our family's style, already planned and written out for me, with checklists and all! The youngers will be working alongside, to a degree, with a variety of materials off our overstuffed shelves- those are the lesson plans I need to pull together in the very near future... all the while trying to squeeze every last bit of fun out of what's left of this summer!

Enjoying them,
because of Him,


Anonymous Marla said...

You and I are living parallel lives. Only I'm teaching 9th, 7th, 5th, and 3rd grades this year and will have a 3 year old and infant underfoot. My oldest is going to school in Germany this year. I'm in the process of planning with Learning Adventures, which is similar to My Father's World.
I hope you will be able to blog. I would love to hear some of your ideas. This is our first year to do this type of curriculim and we are all excited about it. I'm glad to find you here. Hope your "camp weeks" are productive! :D

August 6, 2009 at 10:21 PM  
Blogger MarshaMarshaMarsha said...

I've seen MFW at several conventions and they use a lot of my favorite books.

Oi. I can't even think about lesson planning right now. If I do, it'll make me want to ditch everything we're doing right now and jump ahead of schedule.

Hope you are enjoying the last bits of summer, Ali! Even if our schedule turns fall-ish soon, we still have another 2 months of sweltering summer heat. :p

August 22, 2009 at 11:51 PM  

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