Monday, November 23, 2009

Multitude Monday 1-50

I've thought about and focused on things I am truly thankful for, a bit here and a bit there, a scrap of paper tucked in a Bible, a journal page now and then, the notes section of my planner... This list will be my way of keeping it all in one place, a record of gratitude, to look back on and meditate upon in the moments when it all gets hard, the moments when I could use a reminder-
  1. salvation
  2. a Bible in my language
  3. a loving & patient husband
  4. forgiveness
  5. 7 beautiful children
  6. 8 yr old daughter lost in a good book
  7. the sound of our oldest son playing his violin
  8. cuddly 1 yr old
  9. a good church
  10. 12 years of marriage
  11. godly grandparents for our children
  12. sisters I am blessed to call friends
  13. toothy 1 yr old grins
  14. contagious belly laughs
  15. a good cup of coffee in the morning
  16. a husband who works hard so I can be home with our children
  17. his good job
  18. homeschooling
  19. good friends
  20. precious pictures of my grandmother when she was young, beautiful, & full of life, before the cancer took all of that away
  21. a house full of leftover party balloons and the joy of pure fun that they bring
  22. the freckles on our sweet Gracie
  23. the curls in our blonde girls' hair
  24. lovely thick brown hair on our brunettes
  25. girls who like bonnets
  26. children learning to do laundry
  27. reliable vehicles
  28. chickadees at the feeder year round
  29. the variety of woodpeckers right outside the window
  30. a place in the country
  31. space for a garden
  32. room for children to run and play
  33. unseasonal warmth this Minnesota November, extending our outdoor play season
  34. warm coats, ready for when Winter decides to come...
  35. my knitting needles
  36. classic games like Uno and operation
  37. Jane Austen books for lovely leisure reading
  38. pumpkin bars
  39. sweet games of peek-a-boo
  40. a working vacuum for this house of crumbs
  41. yard sale chairs that have become my favorite
  42. audio books so I can listen & knit at the same time
  43. a piano to play
  44. beautiful music to listen to
  45. ears that can still hear it
  46. a warm home
  47. wood to heat it
  48. food on the table
  49. tasty bread recipe
  50. naps, when needed

May I never forget to be thankful-

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Anonymous holly neaton said...

Oh...bonnets...I love them too! Love your list! Wishing you and yours a blessed Thanksgiving! Holly

November 23, 2009 at 8:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

such a wonderful list! have a wonderful thanksgiving!

November 24, 2009 at 8:43 AM  

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