Multitude Monday 221-240
221. a slow morning, with time in the Word
222. not worrying about the slow start
223. knowing I can catch up
224. knowing it'll be okay if I don't
225. gigantic fresh oranges in a Minnesota winter
226. youngest little soul reaching high on tippy-toes to put his own bowl in the sink
227. sweet little future man, gaining independence in baby steps each day
228. 3 yr old wanting up in my lap, again and again and again, she loves to be near, I love to have her near
229. 4 little girls, all eager to help wash the living room windows, especially the part where they get to climb on the furniture to reach the windows
230. children who love to munch on carrots all afternoon
231. homemade ranch dressing, with homemade buttermilk
232. children excited to get back to home school co-op tomorrow
233. 3, 4, & 7 yr olds having fun with phonics, excited to read and to write
234. reading another of the 50 Famous Stories Retold to an eager young audience
235. reading the Word aloud with a 3 yr old by my side, listening so sweetly
236. 10 yr old creating a pretend copy of the Constitution because he noticed on the calender that this Friday is the anniversary of the Constitution, and deciding we should have a Constitution party. Seriously, a Constitution party?! Sure, why not?!
237. children who'll use anything as an excuse to have a party
238. having a 10 yr old very capable of doing the laundry
239. sisters working together to fold and put away clothes for their big loving family
240. a teenage son who doesn't mind getting "dishpan hands" to get the supper dishes done, well, if he does mind, he doesn't complain one bit, and I'm thankful for that as well
Today was full, and tomorrow is packed. Wednesday is busy, and before I know it, another weekend will be here. There are a few more moments and minutes of daylight each day and I can feel the Spring Fever begin to rise in my veins. I think perhaps some time with a seed catalog and a little garden planning, I just may pull through this long winter yet!
Labels: Multitude Monday
I love #224. Great list today. God bless - Holly
I love this list. It makes me happy.
Thanks for stopping by my blog. I'm glad my MathScore review was helpful for you, even if it wasn't the "aha" product you're looking for. Your comment spurred me on to create a list of all our math reviews, though. Perhaps you can find that "aha" product on the list.
Love your new blog, too!
April E.
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