Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Tis So Sweet

I mentioned that maybe we should work on a song to sing and play together the next time we visit one of the nursing homes we've been visiting for the last almost 9 years. I can remember how long it's been, because I remember that we started going along when our almost 9 yr old was just a couple weeks old.

I mentioned that the younger children could work on memorizing the words with me, for the next 2 weeks, and that the oldest two could start practicing on their violins. Razzle (almost 9!!) hasn't played her violin much in the past year- I knew it would be hard to keep up with it on our own when we stopped having the youngers take lessons, but that many lessons adds up, it adds way up. For the time being, it is only our oldest son taking violin lessons. He is at a point where he can help the younger ones along for a while until we have more room in the budget, so it all works out.
I mentioned that she could try to learn to play the song on her violin as well, if she wanted, no pressure. She wanted, and that violin has been played more the past 2 days than it had been the past 2 months. She needed a goal, and now she's got one.

'Tis so sweet to hear her playing,
music as she glides her bow,
Just to hear the sound of trying,
Just to know she loves it so.
We have no virtuosos here, but we have children who are being brought up with a love for beautiful music. I love to hear them play. Twinkle, twinkle never sounded so sweet as it did the first time each youngster eeked it out on their strings. (You know how beauty is in the eye of the beholder? It kinda works that way for music too...)

I'd better get busy working on the littles with their memorizing (I don't want to be the only one singing!!)


Blogger MollyinMinn said...

Oh you are right, this is so sweet. Just made me smile!

January 27, 2010 at 1:00 PM  

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