Multitude Monday 211-220
211. seven children, healthy at the same time
212. time spent training the youngest two to sit still in church
213. knowing that time spent training children will mean more time spent enjoying their company for years to come
214. a reading checklist getting all checked off
215. feeling like we accomplished something and learned something new today
216. believing we can do it again tomorrow
217. a tired 3 yr old taking a much needed nap
218. a hungry 15 month old eating his veggies and squawking for more
219. boys working together, hauling in wood to keep the family warm
220. my husband working hard most every day, for us
It was a hard weekend for me. I was the one month anniversary of our loss. My cycle returned, as it should, except that it shouldn't. I should have been 15 weeks along tomorrow, except that I'm not. Ultimately, I know I'm okay, I know the Lord is in control, and I know He's faithful, no matter what, but right now I'm still sad, still missing being pregnant.
Turning my eyes, my heart, my mind towards the many things I have to be thankful for has been such a blessing through this time. It's always a blessing, to thank Him, but even more so in a time of grief. Thanking Him, gets my eyes off myself, if even for a moment. May I have more of those moments each day!
Labels: Multitude Monday
Do you practice the sitting still at home during the week? We have talked about doing it with Charlie, but I never did follow through. Have a great week. God bless - Holly
I'll be praying for you.
"The Lord is good, a stronghold in the day of trouble
And he knows those who take refuge in Him" Nahum 1:7
I loved reading your list.
JoAnn (found you on A Holy Experience)
This makes me think of Philippians 4:4-9, "Rejoice in the Lord always: and again I say, Rejoice. Let your moderation be known unto all men. The Lord is at hand. Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things. Those things, which ye have both learned, and received, and heard, and seen in me, do: and the God of peace shall be with you."
Thinking of and praying for you my dear sweet friend.
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